Friday, August 28, 2020
Essay on Federalism Advantages and DisadvantagesEssay Writing Service
Article on Federalism Advantages and DisadvantagesEssay Writing Service Article on Federalism: Advantages and Disadvantages Article on Federalism: Advantages and DisadvantagesFederalism, as a type of government, has its focal points and detriments. Supporters of federalism express that this type of government can be seen as the most appropriate structure to address the interests and needs of various gatherings of individuals. State’s laws ensure the utilization of the best systems to address the issues of residents, for example firearm control laws, liquor related laws, fetus removal related laws, and so on. Ventral government neglects to address these necessities in an appropriate manner. Additionally, federalism is planned for reinforcing freedom through the division of forces between various degrees of government. Actually, the division of influence ensures lawful assurance against the â€Å"concentration of influence in a solitary, unitary government†(Dautrich Yalof, 2011, p. 78). The division of intensity assists with safeguarding freedom. Also, federalism assists with empowering socia l and monetary experimentation and gives successful reaction to changes in various divisions. Majority rule government supported by federalism permits states to create and actualize arrangements to improve the life of the country. Versatility of states to changing condition assists with overseeing organization and other issues.â â â â â â â â â â â The rivals of federalism give numerous contentions that depict the weakness of federalism. Federalism can be portrayed as an unjustifiable framework that includes the existenceâ â of financial abberations between the states, and â€Å"questions about government responsibility for some open projects that are intrinsic with contending sovereigns†(Dautrich Yalof, 2011, p. 79). The contrast between the states in finished up in various degrees of residents, their budgetary chances, duties and wages. The absence of responsibility is closed in difficulties brought about by the working of numerous degrees of government, whi ch make it hard to manage these difficulties successfully. In addition, federalism is subject to the courts’ choices to characterize the principles of this type of government.â therefore, the legal dynamic structures the premise of the federalist framework working.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Current State Of Growth Australian Economy â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Current State Of Growth Australian Economy? Answer: Presentation The point of this report is to feature on the present financial province of Australia. The Australian economy has indicated a higher development in late decades, featuring solid macroeconomic strategies and auxiliary turn of events. The expectations for everyday comforts of this economy improved however difficulties happen from maturing populace and ozone harming substance discharges. It is anticipated that non-mining segment will bolster financial development of about 3% in the year 2018 with further diminishing in pace of joblessness (Tonts et al. 2012). Low paces of premium have likewise contributed total interest and furthermore inclining up hazard taken by the financial specialists and along these lines expanding costs of lodging and home loan loaning. At present, the country positions twelfth biggest as accounted by ostensible GDP and nineteenth greatest as far as buying power equality in the globe. The report additionally investigates on the examination of the present state (Q 1 of 2017) of the economy regarding August (Q2 of 2016) in light of the macroeconomic pointers that incorporates GDP, joblessness rate, swelling rate and terms of exchange (Baumohl 2012) . Moreover, the significant issues that the economy may look throughout the following a year are additionally talked about in this examination. Current State of the Australian Economy The monetary development of Australia reflects solid according to a large number of their exchanging accomplices. The Reserve bank of Australia (RBA) anticipated that the country would keep on growing up to 3.0% toward the finish of this current year. The present state of the Australian economy recreates that change of this country to present mining extend on be moderate. This country has eased back down in the main quarter (Q1) of 2017 in the wake of skipping once again from the subsequent quarter (Q2) of 2016. The GDP of the country has been capricious and has indicated high development in this quarter when contrasted with Q2 of 2016. In any case, tough macroeconomic just as money related part arrangements improve monetary development and elevated expectations of living (Shahiduzzaman and Alam 2014). Additionally, growing pay imbalances and indigenous populace guarantees impartial open doors for utilizing in labor showcase by executing dynamic approaches of work advertise. What's m ore, expansion rate, wage development and joblessness rate stay curbed in the present time frame. In any case, pace of work has ascended in this present year by around 61.4%. Along these lines, swelling desires and development of ostensible edge have eased back down in this quarter of 2017. Pay development records to be very low in this period because of proceeding with slack in labor advertise. Therefore, it has been noticed that work market of this country stays blended in this year. Gross domestic product Australias Gross household item (GDP) alludes o the last estimation of wares and administrations that are fabricated inside the economy in a specific timespan. Gross domestic product is estimated in two different ways that is as far as current costs just as in genuine terms, which is additionally named as chain volume measures (Wakeel and Ullah 2013). The dollar GDP estimation of the economy mirrors the size of the country that is running at USD 1343.6 billion. The financial development of this country gets attributable to increment in buyer spending. This use depends on decrease in generally speaking investment funds rate from 5.3% to 4.6% in Q1 of 2017. Along these lines, ascend in family utilization by 0.5% signifies 0.3% GDP development rate in 2017. Complete venture adds to 0.4% in the countries GDP while family investment funds diminishes to 4.7%. Pace of Unemployment-Australias joblessness rate is characterized as the quantity of jobless people in regard of all out populace of Australia. The joblessness pace of this country decreased to 5.6% in Q1 of 2017. Ongoing information features that the all out business increments with the making of 239,373 employments this year. Likewise, the pace of interest in labor advertise ascends to 65.1% because of progress in charge arrangement received by RBA (Kubiszewski et al. 2013). As indicated by ABS, the country records falling development in compensation for the laborers in private area. Basically, increment in work development in Q1 was because of ascend in interest rate by 0.1% to 65.1% since Q1 of 2016. Pace of Inflation-Inflation is characterized as supported ascent in cost of the items inside the economy over a specific timeframe. It additionally features on the lessening in buying influence for every cash unit. The ABS estimates expansion pace of the nation by utilizing Consumer Price Index (CPI). Australias CPI ascends to 2.1% in Q1 of 2017 inferable from ascend in costs of clinical, tobacco and lodging costs . In this manner, RBA focuses to diminish paces of enthusiasm for balancing out swelling rate. Parity of exchange Balance of Trade Australia appraises the distinction between import just as fare estimation of items and administrations (Dijkstra, et al. 2013). Positive worth demonstrates fare of wares is more noteworthy than imports (Surplus of exchange) while negative worth means fare of less products than imports (Deficit of exchange). In Q1of 2017, the equalization of exchange Australia is 888, which reflects increment of the two fares just as imports. Looking at financial execution of Australia of 2016 with 2017 Late insights features that the present state of Australia improves from the Q2 of 2016. The GDP of this country ascends to 0.3% in Q1 of the year 2017 when contrasted with Q2 of the year 2016, which recorded to about 0.5%. The mining part of Australia adds to around 29393 AUD million in the Q1 of 2017 (Delgado et al. 2014). Also, money, clinical and social administrations immensely adds to the development of the country. Furthermore, family unit utilization contributes gigantically in Q1of 2017 in spite of frail spending in retail ventures and is driven up by expanding cost in non-optional segment that incorporates gas and power segment. Besides, inventories changes additionally increments to AUD 2069 million, which is driven by both the retail just as mining part. Chart 1: Comparison of Australias GDP Growth pace of 2016 and 2017 Source: (As made by creator) The joblessness rate in Australia eases back down to 5.6% in Q1 of 2017 in correlation with Q2 of 2016 that recorded to 5.7% ( Borio 2014). Fall in joblessness rate was basically because of stream in low maintenance work. In actuality, all day employments in this country decreases to around 44800 of every 2017 when contrasted with the year 2016. Besides, the cooperation pace of the laborers likewise increments in this quarter when contrasted with 2016. Still joblessness rate increments over the objective degree of 5%. Barely any causes that raises the countries joblessness rate incorporates: Lessening in framework spending during poor monetary condition moves the workers from this economy Some workers quit employments Owing to reception of new innovation, Global money related emergency during the period 2008-2009 additionally added to decrease in joblessness rate in Australia (Boons et al. 2013). Chart 2: Comparison of joblessness rate in Australia in Q2 of 2016 and Q1 of 2017 Source: (Authors creation) The pace of expansion in Q1 of 2017 records to 2.1%, which is very high when contrasted with Q2 of 2016 that accounted to 1.0%. In this manner, CPI of this economy increments because of ascend in item costs, transport and training portion. Consequently, this influences GDP and way of life of the individuals in Australia. Graph 3: Comparison of swelling rate in Australia of Q2 of 2016 and Q1 of 2017 Source: (Authors creation) Equalization of exchange of this country ascends to 888 billion in Q1 of 2017 because of ascend in trade just as imports of items and administrations. Fares of items add to $24.21 billion while import of wares adds to $6.27 billion in this year. Be that as it may, Australian exchange reflected negative estimation of - 1576, which was lower when contrasted with Q1 of 2017. Outline 4: Comparison of Australian exchange Q2 of 2016 and Q1 of 2017 Source: (Authors creation) Three key issues confronting the Australian economy throughout the following a year Deteriorating development in pay will prompted increment in underemployment that will antagonistically affect the development of the Australian economy (Baker et al. 2015). It has additionally indispensable ramifications for underutilizations level in Australian work showcase. This likewise antagonistically influences the expectations for everyday comforts of the individuals in Australia. The assessment framework embraced by RBA will likewise influence by and large efficiency and seriousness of the country. Settings of tax collection likewise influence the motivations for gaining employments and thus variety of assessment framework in Australia impacts the countries expectations for everyday comforts and cooperation rate. Extending populace of the country additionally places pressures on the customers consumption in scarcely any zones that incorporate social insurance industry. Be that as it may, ascend in wellbeing cost related with the appropriation of new advances for assembling drugs rises financial weights (Angelini et al. 2015). End All these macroeconomic pointers features that present state of Australia upgrades in Q1 of 2017 in correlation with Q2 of 2016. Financial expert predicts that GDP development pace of Australia will ascend to 3% in the year 2018. Additionally, RBAs strong money related arrangement rate will improve the development of the country at quicker rate. In this way, expansionary strategy rate will likewise assist the economy with facing the difficulties or financial issues that will come in the following a year. References Angelini, P., Clerc, L., Crdia, V., Gambacorta, L., Gerali, A., Locarno, A., Motto, R., Roeger, W., Van nook Heuvel, S. also, Vl?ek, J., 2015. Basel III: Long?term Impact on Economic Performance and Fluctuations. The Manchester School, 83(2), pp.217-251. Dough puncher, D., Merkert, R. also, Kamruzzaman, M., 2015. Territorial aeronautics and financial development: cointegration and causality investigation in Australia. Diary of Transport Geography, 43, pp.140-150. Aids, F., Montalvo, C., Quist, J. also, Wagner, M., 2013. Practical advancement, plans of action and monetary execution: an overview.Journal of Cleaner Production,45, pp.1-8. Borio, C., 2014. The f
Friday, August 21, 2020
Animal Cruelty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Creature Cruelty - Essay Example It is significant that pet proprietors understand the way that a pet isn't some outlandish, comfortable, textured slithering thing that needs to stand taking requests from them. Nor are they a delicate toys kept at home to give few seconds of fervor and euphoria in their repetitive life. At the point when someone chooses to possess a pet, they should claim up the obligation that accompanies them. Like some other living being, they have feelings and feel torment. They additionally like people get eager, fall wiped out, and all the more critically develop old. It's anything but an exceptionally ruddy picture when we assess reality. A few reports of pet maltreatment from the whole way across the globe, affirms reality that pets are not constantly safe from creature savagery. In different paths and roads of a few urban communities, dead creatures are regularly found. Their dead bodies pass by unnoticed. Instances of local pet viciousness are on the ascent. A few people take their displea sure and dissatisfaction out on their pets. Numerous pets meet their passing because of remorseless conduct of people. Much of the time, their furious proprietors themselves show such barbaric conduct. They murder their pets to communicate their dissatisfactions and afterward dump their dead bodies in trash canisters. Some brutal pet proprietors enjoy their pets in pet battles. With the reason to win some cash, the lives of these pets are set in harm's way. Individuals wager on the lives of these pets, who are prepared to battle in rings. At that point there are some unconventional superstars, who support utilizing pets as style explanation. Regularly, it has been seen that big names use pets as blessing things or some material piece to fold over. In rural zones and towns, creatures like jackasses and ponies are utilized to convey burdens and carriages. The proprietors of these creatures regularly use whiplash to make them work quicker. Extremely less consideration is given to these creatures; they are not appropriately taken care of or given medication when they are debilitated. A large number of them pass on right on time because of lack of healthy sustenance and some kick the bucket because of serious physical strain. Like people, a few creatures incapable to shoulder the injury free their rational soundness. They become crazy and regularly wind up being threatening. Absence of sustenance, physical torment, being fastened entire day to one area cause numerous pets to go wild in their conduct. There have been some strange situations where pets have been discovered detained in vehicle trunks or dim storage rooms, bolted isolated left beyond words. There have been a few situations where pets were managed drugs, only for the insignificant wiped out joy of the proprietors. These are only a couple of guides to inspire, a portion of the brutalities that these creatures are made to hold up under. (Hardcastle, 2008) Current Pet Abuse Scenario On March 29, 2011, an u n-named Retriever was brought to the creature asylum of Guilford. The pooch had endured serious consumes on his skins brought about by certain synthetics. The wounds were serious and the canine couldn't endure. The canine died a similar evening he was brought to the sanctuary. The guilty parties are yet to be distinguished. Around the same time, Noelle Stanbridge a resident of Ottumwa was seen as liable of manhandling her pet pooch. She had hit her pet pooch multiple times with a club. The incongruity is Noelle Stanbridge is celebrated in her hover as a creature extremist. In New York, alone 79 instances of pet maltreatment were enlisted in the year 2010, which represents just 8 percent of the all out pet maltreatment cases enrolled in USA, which remains at 986 cases for the year 2010 alone. There are lion's share of occurrences, which don't get
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Online Research Paper Writing Help - How It Can Help You
Online Research Paper Writing Help - How It Can Help YouOnline research paper writing help is a type of guide that provides a helpful interface between people and the internet. This assistance is usually offered to those who lack the right kind of discipline and training in writing. Today the internet holds great influence on the world, yet many people have forgotten what real, reliable research paper writing help can do for you.There are a lot of sites out there that promise to provide you with the help you need to write your own research paper. They make promises that usually turn out to be baseless. Instead of being useful, they are actually harmful. Their influence will only be harmful, if you make use of it and in doing so, allow them to help you out.First of all, you should never let anyone or anything affect the quality of your research paper. It would be a huge problem to simply look into other peoples' writing, but give them the right things that you need. Even though you mi ght think that you have already done a thorough research, there is always something else that you could do. That is what online research paper writing help can do for you.You can always do this by taking your research paper to a professional and gaining some help in it. In doing so, you will have a better chance to be successful in your research paper. This is possible because some researches, usually those that are based on the details, come first.In writing about the details of other people's work, you should be able to go through as much information as possible. You can be sure that you will know the basics of how the type of research paper you need to write is done. If the writing is really done correctly, the point of your research paper will be much better and will have a better impact on the reader. Writing your own research paper is fun and you can even create and make it as many times as you want. As a result, it can be a source of entertainment for you and your readers.How ever, you have to be sure that the online research paper writing help that you seek is based on things that can be found at the internet. The things that you need to know about this research are not possible to be found online. This means that you cannot use some other type of information as a basis.You have to make sure that the online research paper writing help that you want is only from websites that use genuine and respected writers. This will definitely help you become more successful in your research paper.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on ebola informative speech - 793 Words
Manuscript INTRODUCTION: ATTENTION GRABBER: Imagine being isolated from your own family and feeling unsure as to whether or not you will ever see them again. They do not want to come anywhere near you, for you are a threat to their health. The only visitors who come with in 10 feet of you are strangers in full on protective gear. They do not want to expose the slightest bit of skin to you and you can not see anything besides their eyes. The world fears what you are and no one wants to come close to you. You know death is near, and you are all alone. TOPIC: Today I will tell you about the rare and deadly virus called Ebola. PREVIEW: First, I will give you information about the virus itself. Secondly, I will talk about why†¦show more content†¦SECOND POINT: Although an outbreak in America is highly unlikely, the fact that Ebola has been diagnosed on American soil brings fear to all. Because of its infectiousness and long incubation period, and the banality of early symptoms, it can be difficult to track and contain. We also do not have a cure for this disease, sure we have experimental drugs, but nothing official. The spread has been much quicker in this outbreak than others, affecting both urban and rural areas. Usual protective measures to prevent the spread appear to be less effective in this epidemic. What ebola does to the human body defies reason and is something like out of a horror movie, not a text book. Americans feel hopeless and vulnerable because Ebola is here. The victim who flew from Liberia to Dallas, Texas on September 30th of this year did expose others and there is a risk of i t spreading. The Ebola virus is the most terrifying and least-understood virus known to man. We are witnessing the onset of a deadly mutation anticipated and feared for almost four decades. Americans have watched fully informed and trained health care workers contract Ebola. **3rd Transition** Now that we are aware of the amount of fear, and why there is so much of it, lets turn our attention to some methods of prevention. THIRD POINT: There is no FDA approved vaccine currently available for Ebola. It is very important that everyone practices careful hygiene. Always wash hands with soap andShow MoreRelatedEbola speech Essay1008 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Ebola speech Plan: introduction What is Ebola (some facts) How was is created Effects of Ebola aka symptoms Transmission Treatment How can Ebola affect us Imagine being isolated from your own family and feeling unsure as to whether or not you will ever see them again. They do not want to come anywhere near you, for you are a threat to their health. The only visitors who
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Birth-Mark, Raymond Carver’s...
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birth-Mark†, Raymond Carver’s â€Å"Cathedral†, and Randall Kenan’s â€Å"The Foundations of the Earth†illustrate how arrogance undermines knowledge and individual power and humility enhances those qualities. In each story, characters with parochial worldviews encounter people who challenge them to change. Other perspectives are available if they are able to let go of their superior attitudes. For example, Hawthorne’s protagonist, Aylmer, believes he has the ability and right to create perfection. He views a birthmark on his wife, Georgiana, as evidence of a flaw that must be removed no matter what the cost. His assistant, Aminadab, (an earthy alter-ego) remarks, â€Å"If she were my wife, I’d never part with that†¦show more content†¦He is not inquisitive but rather put out as indicated by the phrase, â€Å"a blind man in my home was not something I looked forward to†(Carver 513). The narrator’s wife has been friends with this blind man for many years and clearly holds a divergent point o f view. â€Å"She told him everything†(Carver 515). â€Å"I saw my wife laughing as she parked the car†(Carver 516). The narrator sees the confidence, trust and joy that the blind man elicits from his wife. Why? What is it about this blind man that gives his wife joy? Similarly to Aylmer in â€Å"The Birth-Mark,†the narrator does not ask these obvious questions, questions that might crack him open, but instead remarks, when interrupted while listening to a taped correspondence from the blind man, â€Å"I’d heard all I wanted to†(Carver 515). Unlike Aylmer, however, the narrator, after imbibing Scotch and smoking pot, does open up to the blind man after watching a documentary on television about cathedrals. The blind man asks him to describe a cathedral to him. When this task proves difficult, the blind man suggests they draw one together. As the drawing progresses, the blind man asks him to close his eyes and draw. â€Å"His fingers rode my fingers as my hand went over the paper. It was like nothing else in my life up to now.†The narrator experienced an epiphany. The tone changes from sarcasm to childlike awe. This ending combines an appeal to pathos and ethos; there is an emotional shift combined with credence gaine d
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift free essay sample
Taylor Swift’s new song ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ is currently number one on iTunes beating out Justin Bieber, Fun, Flo Rida, and more! Many people on Youtube are making comments on lyric videos that people make with Taylor’s new song saying that she shouldn’t have changed her sound and that this song doesn’t sound like Taylor Swift at all. I think the song is amazing. It’s probably my favorite that she’s ever released and not just because its her newest one. Taylor is growing as an artist more and more every day. Changing sound is something to do to expand as an artist instead of keeping the same sound all the time. Artists change their sound time. I mean look at Justin Bieber. He went from One Less Lonely Girl to As Long As You Love Me. Taylor’s music can still relate to mostly all teenage girls being that the song is about a girl telling her ex-boyfriend that they’ll never be getting back together . We will write a custom essay sample on We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .as you can tell from the title probably. I personally can’t wait to see what else is on Taylor’s new album Red.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Bottlenecks in a process
Bottleneck is derived from the word the neck of a bottle, which is usually small compared to the other parts of a bottle. Hence, it limits the amount of any substance being drawn from the bottle.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Bottlenecks in a process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It means a delay that occurs at one point in a process and thereby causing inefficiency or reduction of the speed in which the process is expected to take place (Goldrat, 2004). If delays due to bottlenecks are not addressed, a process is likely to fail. The process of driving from home to work has some bottlenecks which lead to increasing the time one takes to work. Considering the information given on the process of driving to work daily, there are quite a number of main bottlenecks which are evident during the entire process. The greatest bottleneck is the state of my car and whether it has gas or not. From the data provided, it is clear that in the case where the car has enough fuel and is in a good condition, the process of going to work takes the shortest time possible. Lack of enough fuel in the car will imply that fueling will have to be done hence taking extra time in the gas station, which delays the process. Lack of fuel in the car or not being in a favorable condition will also imply boarding a public vehicle which may not always be available. This is a major bottleneck since if they are not available, one has to walk to work hence taking unusually long, and getting to work tired and unable to work efficiently. If the public vehicles are available, one is dropped at the station and walks to the working place, which may lead to more delays. The traffic light stopovers and traffic jams are sometimes not predictable. Police checks may also lead to delays in this process. Though they are not predictable, there are ways in which their effects in the process of driving to school can be minimized. Using Goldrat’s theory to identify and reduce the bottlenecks To maximize the time usage in the daily process of driving to school, the above constrains have to be identified and resolved altogether. The reduction or elimination of these bottlenecks can be done by applying Goldratt’s theory of constrains.Advertising Looking for report on project management? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Using this theory to reduce the constrains brought about by the car, the latter should always be fueled the previous day as a matter of early planning (Goldrat, 2004). This will reduce delays due to time taken in refilling the car. The bottleneck due to using a public vehicles and being dropped at the station leading to delay due to the extra time taken to walk to the work place can be reduced by starting the journey a little bit earlier than normal days. Other bottlenecks like the police checks and traffic jams can also be reduced th rough this action. Mastering the occurrence of the traffic jams can also be used so that one avoids the jam when expected to occur by leaving earlier or taking an alternative route (Shtub Karni, 2009). In summing up, it is vital to mention that using the theory of constrains helps in reducing my driving time to work place through elimination of bottlenecks that have been identified. This theory breaks the process into steps in order to be able to get a better understanding of all the steps and improve the products of any other process that may experience challenges. References Goldrat, M. (2004). The goal: a process of ongoing improvement. New York: North River Press. Shtub, A. Karni, R. (2009). ERP: the Dynamics of Supply Chain and Process Management. London: Springer. This report on Bottlenecks in a process was written and submitted by user Ian U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Advanced Hypothesis Testing
Advanced Hypothesis Testing We will identify the feasibility of hiring temporary employees as opposed to working current employees into overtime at Proctor Gamble (PG). For example, PG employees earn an average of $25 dollars per hour and are entitled to many benefits like medical, dental, vision, and various employee assistance benefits. By hiring temporary employees, PG circumvent the need for benefits to that group of people.PG is a global corporation, employing over 98,000 people throughout the world. Recently, the company was rated fifth for the quality of its products and services and fourth for innovation. Overall, PG was ranked fourth on the Fortune list of the top five most admired companies (PG, n.d.).PG has one of the largest and strongest portfolios of trusted brands, including Pampers, Tide, Ariel, Always, Pantene, Bounty, Folgers, Pringles, Charmin, Downy, Iams, Crest, Actonel and Olay (PG, n.d.). The United States has different manufacturing plants in: Phoenix, Arizona, Russellville, Arkansas, O xnard, Anaheim, and Sacramento, California, Dover, Delaware, Albany, Atlanta, and Augusta, Georgia, Iowa City, Iowa, Kansas City, Kansas, Alexandria and New Orleans, Louisiana, Auburn, Maine, Hunt Valley, Maryland, Aurora, Nebraska, Avenel and South Brunswick, New Jersey, Greensboro and Henderson, North Carolina, Cincinnati (H.Q.),English: Mountains over Cayey municipality of Puer...Lima, Leipsic, and Lewisburg, Ohio, Mehoopany, Pennsylvania, North Sioux, South Dakota, Jackson, Tennessee, Sherman, Texas, Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Cayey, Puerto Rico (PG. n.d.).Our advanced null hypothesis is that by using temporary employees, Proctor Gamble will spend greater than or equal to what salaried employees earn. Our alternate is that Proctor Gamble will spend equal to or less than what salaried employees are paid. The level of significance is 95%.The test statistic used is the one sample t-test. T equals the mean minus the population mean divided by the sample divided by the square root o f the number.The decision rule is to accept the alternate hypothesis because the critical values fall within range.Descriptive Statistics: Wages/hrVariable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3Wages/hr 35 1 13.471 0.265 1.567 10.500 12.500 13.500 15.000Variable MaximumWages/hr 17.000One-Sample Z: Wages/hrThe assumed standard deviation = 1.56795%UpperVariable N Mean StDev SE Mean BoundWages/hr 35 13.4714 1.5669 0.2649 13.9071One-Sample T95%UpperN Mean StDev SE Mean Bound35 13.4710 1.5670 0.2649 13.9189ReferenceProctor Gamble. Retrieved March 23, 2006 from:
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Mending Wall of robert frost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mending Wall of robert frost - Essay Example We wonder from before we even begin to read the poem, what could be a mending wall? Does it talk of a wall that mends itself? Frost's "wall" is a metaphoric representation of something much more substantial than just a lifeless pile of stones. This wall can be associated with many things. It may represent a barrier, a boundary between two unlike existence. It may speak of segregation, of differentiation, of the negative connotation of being different from one another. It is something that keeps one thing from one labyrinth to reach another. This mystic feel embedded on the title arouses interest from the unknowing reader. Since there is so much a wall implies to be, the interest to know more about what this wall could possibly pertain to leads the reader to dig further and unfold each word that follows. Reading the first few lines of the poem, the reader finds out how "something" dislikes the erection of the wall. It is as if this "something" purposely deconstructs the wall to the po int that two individuals may pass through it side by side. On the 6th line of the poem "I have come after them and made repair", Frost uses "I", him speaking on the first person's point of view. His use of "I" implies not only of him as the writer telling a story but it symbolizes anyone as an individual. It is his way of giving the reader that sense of belongingness to the poem that creates the connection of the reader to the piece. This connection makes it much easier for the reader to relate to what the writer is trying to relay. Frost's imagist-like approach in the usage of simple and precise imagery is with great depth in meaning. The 12th line, "I let my neighbor know beyond the hill", tells the reader that the wall is dividing two neighbors. They meet occasionally to reconstruct the wall again; stone by stone they pile them back to its original form. This speaks of two different people or it may speak of a larger number of dissimilar groups of individuals constantly building walls against each other to keep one another from getting across. In this world, we people build barriers due to our fear of being engulfed by the other. Sometimes we rebuild the walls our forefathers have placed without even wondering what the wall is really for, just like the neighbor in the poem. As the poem progresses, the first person "I" started to question what the walls are for. On the 23rd to the 26th line, he stated: There where it is we do not need the wall: He is all pine and I am apple orchard. My apple trees will never get across. And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him. On the 27th line, the neighbor answered, 'Good fences make good neighbors'. It becomes all the more puzzling to "I". What is there to keep from each other? There are no cows to wall in or wall out. The poem concludes that even if there is this "something" that persistently destroys the wall, the neighbor continues to stand up for "his father's saying". The "wall" symbolizes the unwillingness of t he people to accept each other's differences as stated in the last lines of the poem. For the analysis of such a literary piece, the theme is certainly an important element. The theme plays an important role for the analysis of a poem with such a depth in meaning. Frost uses a similar style used by imagist. The use of free verse and precise imagery with the use of simple and direct words that can easily be associated to the scene or picture the writer tries to portray. The 40th and 41st lines of the poe
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Discuss the causes and effects of cancer. To what extent is cancer Essay
Discuss the causes and effects of cancer. To what extent is cancer prevention the individual's responsibility Provide researc - Essay Example Statistics indicate that in 2007, cancer led to the death of about 7.6 million people in the world Main Body Paragraphs 1 Topic What are the causes of cancer? Topic sentence The main causes of cancer are genetic factors, tobacco, exposure to radiations, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diets Development points When DNA in a gene is damaged or undergoes mutation, the gene may also get damaged thereby affecting cell division negatively. Cancer may also affect an individual due to a genetic predisposition that is inherited from members of the family. Tobacco smoking is commonly associated with pancreas, stomach, kidney, and lung cancer. Exposure to radiations (ionizing and non-ionizing) can cause cancer in different pats of the body. Studies have shown that between 30 and 35 percent of cancer deaths are related to obesity, diet, and sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity Concluding Sentence There are several causes of cancer. There are also factors that increase the risk of having cancer. Main Body Paragraphs 2 Topic Effects of Cancer Topic sentence There are several negative effects of cancer Death Pain Side effects of treatment Loss of livelihoods Development points: Cancer is a leading cause of deaths across the world. ... mouth cancer, lung cancer, and liver cancer can be prevented by avoiding the smoking of tobacco and consumption of alcohol Skin cancer on the other hand can be prevented by avoiding exposure to the sun’s rays Avoid contact with radiations and carcinogens Eat diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits and low in salt and fat Get vaccination Exercise the body regularly Concluding Sentence Prevention of cancer is closely related to its causes. Individuals have a responsibility to play in preventing cancer attacks in their body Conclusion Topic sentence In conclusion Summary points: Cancer is a group of deadly diseases that kill many There are more than 100 different types of cancers The main causes of cancer include radiations, unhealthy diet, genetic predisposition, and physical inactivity. Cancer can be prevented by engaging in physical exercises, eating healthy diets, avoiding radiations, tobacco, alcohol and other caseinogens. Individuals play a big role in preve nting cancer infections Causes and Effects of Cancer Introduction Cancer is a wide group of ailments characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Cancer causes harm to the body when cells that are damaged divide without regulation to form tumors (with the exception of leukemia). A tumor can develop to the point of interfering with the circulatory, nervous or digestive systems according to Medical News Today (2013). They can also harm the body by releasing hormones that change body functions. When a tumor stays in one location and grows to a limited extent, it is often considered to be benign. Malignant tumors which are more dangerous form either when cancerous cells invade and destroy healthy tissues as they move though the body via the nymph systems or blood, or when they divide and develop to a
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The ministry of education Essay Example for Free
The ministry of education Essay The popular image of Japan as a homogeneous and harmonious is not nearly as valid as it seems. The aspects of Japan which could be argued are of this nature are enforced by both Western media and the impressions that Japanese society and media gives out. Japanese society has always strived and aspired toward this ideal, to such an extent, that an impressive illusion of homogeneity and harmony has been created. This is probably not something which many native Japanese consciously consider; it is more likely that many of them believe the illusion as much as Westerners do. There is a great deal of cultural diversity in Japan, which, although greatly increased in the post-war period, was previously more heterogeneous than one might initially imagine. Likewise, the impression of harmony which Japan emits is quite far from the truth in more than a few aspects of society. One of the more recent examples of this conflict within Japanese society is the intermittent uproar over the politicized nature of the school system. Some see Japan as a land of opposites and contrast. From the ancient temples in the middle of nowhere to the gargantuan glass skyscrapers which tower over the metropolis that is Tokyo. The farmer and the city businessman. The fantastic technological advancements which come from a culture which still adheres closely to ancient traditions and rituals (some of which have been assimilated from other cultures, especially the Chinese). However, the Japanese illusion of homogeneity still holds relatively fast over this school of thought. This is because society itself endeavours to impresses a sense of group effort over the entire nation. This means that an employee in Japan has a greater understanding of the role he or she fills within at least their immediate sphere of work environment. The idea of this is to encourage employees to work for the benefit of the group (essentially, the nation) and not for their own personal gain. The society of today views Japan as a country of strong culture and a disciplined and uniform nature. The Japanese workforce is thought of as hardworking, loyal and verging on selfless when it comes to personal (or family related) sacrifice if required. This applies primarily to the Japanese white collar office workers (sarariman), but a similar work ethic is preferred in almost all occupations. Japanese women are generally portrayed as motherly housewives; they appear to play a relatively small part in the business world and are equally not directly very active in political matters. Those few Japanese women who have been recognised as beneficial to their society and culture have been affiliated with the arts. Japanese family life is viewed as at worst amicable. The offspring are obedient and seem happy to learn about and follow the culture and traditions of the previous generations. Japanese schooling has proven to be one of the most successful educational styles to date. The Japanese have always put a great emphasis on formal learning, students most often simply memorising information parrot-fashion. Although very different to Western schooling where far more free thought is promoted, Japanese schooling seems very effective for them. With ninety-four percent of students attending senior high school and around a third of these going on to higher education, Japanese Universities turn out a sizeable number of graduates on an annual basis. If you were to ask a random inhabitant of a Western nation what comes to mind when they think of Japan, youll probably get answers along the lines of: Samurai, sushi, sumo and sake. Geishas and gadgets, chopsticks and haikus. Bonsai trees and the expertly crafted gardens which come hand in hand with them Certainly, these are elements of Japanese culture, but they are by no means as prominent within society as we are led to believe (chopsticks excluded). For example, there are incredibly few genuine Geisha girls. They have become a piece of heritage which has faded in both functionality and popularity since the technological boom hit Japan. The aforementioned sarariman model is one of the prime images the Japanese choose to utilise to promote their nation in the eyes of the world. Seen as something of the epitome of homogeneity and harmony, the life of the sarariman is very much orientated around his career. Putting his work before his family, the office worker is looked after very well by his employers if he performs well. Businesses help their employees by finding them accommodation, lending money and even going as far as to set some of them up with wives. As a result of this, the sarariman do not get much chance to spend time with their families, overtime will often if not always be worked where needed and should you be required to transfer department, quite often the families would be left behind. The companies do this in an attempt to increase the employees dependence on the company so they are less likely to seek employment elsewhere which is practically impossible to do. Many firms are reluctant to employ anyone who has left another firm, especially straight onto the same wage. This seems to be something of an unwritten law amongst businesses designed to keep ones employees faithful to the company. most Japanese tend to work in one job or for one firm for their entire lives. Again, this reinforces the group ethic which the Japanese government seems to be so eager to impress. History textbooks (particularly concerning the 20th Century war periods) are something of tomes of propaganda which, instead of presenting facts and deriving opinions from such facts, the opposite is done. That is, to present a take on a historical event and then to attempt to support this usually biased view with carefully chosen statistics. The Japanese seem very reluctant to admit to mistakes from their past, and have gone as far as to pass a law which states that all educational textbooks must be approved by the Ministry of Education.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Analyzing The Advocate Essays -- Magazine Gay Lesbian Essays
Analyzing The Advocate The Advocate is a magazine designed to attract and arouse gay men, lesbian women and to a lesser extent bisexual and transgender people. The September 12, 2000 issue of The Advocate uses advertisements, news topics, popularly recognized celebrities as well as political and philosophical viewpoints that fit its target audience. The target audience for The Advocate is shown on its cover page as "The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine." Also notable is the fact that the majority of persons featured in the publication are not heterosexually oriented, which would be favorable to a non-heterosexual audience. Many articles have some reference to a lesbian or gay political, television, or musical celebrity. Some examples from the table of contents are, " Mary Cheney, Rhona Cameron, Jack Larson, Chris Isherwood and Stephen Gately" (The Advocate 3). This appeals to the large number of people who are attracted to anything that might reveal some delectable tidbit about a public figure. In this sense, The Advocate can appeal to straight, or heterosexual, people as well as the usual audience of gay and lesbian persons. T he main theme of The Advocate seems to be a mixture of news and political issues from around the world, especially those with importance to gay and lesbian people. For example, the main cover story is titled " The Dilemma of Mary Cheney" and is followed by, "Will the lesbian daughter of the GOP vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney be forced to choose between being true to her family and true to herself? " There is the question of whether Mr. Cheney would accept something that would discriminate against his daughter and what Mary Cheney would do in turn. This story has much current releva... ...with a cartoon bubble with the word "fag" written twelve times with the word "bitch" stuck in second to last, for contrast (notes from a blonde. 39). This unusual use of slang and profanity appeals to gay men that have been offended by Eminem as well as those who are attracted to his popularity. An advertisement that also makes use of non-heterosexual notoriety is for the "Rainbow Card" which features pictures of Martina Naratilova in front of a Gay Pride parade (Rainbow Card 31). Martina is somewhat of a gay icon because she publicly embraced her sexuality. These advertisements and articles are targeted specifically for the gay and lesbian audience. The political philosophy of The Advocate covers the wide spectrum of people who identify themselves as not heterosexual. Works Cited The Advocate: The national gay and lesbian newsmagazine. September 12, 2000.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Sapakin Kita Diyan
Table of Contents Title Pagei Table of Contentsii Brief History/Background of the Company/Company Profile1 Summary of the OJT Experience5 Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program9 New knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired12 Theories actually seen in practice17 Feedback that can be given to the company/hotel/restaurant20 Benefits gained Problems encountered23 Appendices A. Company brochure and/or pamphlet25 B. Copy of the Endorsement Letter26 C. Copy of the Training Plan27 D. Copy of the signed Waiver Form28 E. Daily Time Record29 F.Quarterly Performance Appraisal Forms30 G. Certificate of Completion31 Brief History/Background of the Company/Company Profile Link Network Solutions Inc. is a formed corporation engage in all computer related consumables and parts. We aspire to give exceptional service by providing your needs in Printer Consumables; Toner, Ink Cartridges, Ribbons of all brands OKI, HP, CANON, SAMSUNG, EPSON, BROTHER, LEXMARK, FUJI XERORX. We also offer Office Equipment ’s: Printer, laminator, shredder, Fax machine, Copier, Computer and accessories among office and computer supplies.We guaranty that we can give you fulfilling commitment in our business with you, improve business practices, and ensure, reliable, secure our product to be delivered just on time. Above all, we value our client’s partnerships by guaranteeing complete customer satisfaction, and we will always provide our partners with the highest level of service and professionalism Summary of the OJT/Experience Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program New knowledge, attitudes and skills acquired There are many knowledge, attitudes and skills acquired being an on the job training in Link Network Solutions Inc.I know how to setup and install high end printers. I know how to troubleshoot a printer. On attitude I must go to office early don’t be late. If you want to be absent tell the manager or any high staff so they know it early. Be honest and trustworthy. Being a tra inee is not only a subject to be passed or a requirement to be complete but on the job training is an opportunity to show what skills, talents and techniques that the student learned from the school and also opportunity to experience life outside the campus; serving companies like a professional on the field of students specialization. Theories actually seen in practiceFeedback that can be given to the company/hotel/restaurant I. Introduction I decided to have my on the job training at Link Network Solution Inc. at 5700 Pagulayan St. Poblacion, Makati City. It’s a little bit far from Cubao but I have no choice because I really have a hard time searching for a company where I can have my on the job training with. Good thing my classmate has a connections on one of the head of that company and luckily, me together with my two other classmate happened to start out our on the job training there. The Link Network Solution Inc. is the fourth company that we had applied.We first sub mitted our resume to POEA, SSS East Ave and PLDT Mandaluyong, but none of those companies had entertained our application maybe because they already have their chosen applicant or it may either be because we applied late. I started my on the job training on Jan 2013. It is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday. II. PERSONAL ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING FROM THE COMPANY A. Cognitive or Intellectual Learning I’ve learned a lot from the job given to me. I know how to setup a printer, troubleshoot, and deliver an item to a customer. I learned the daily routine inside the office. I also earned how to make a receipt when we deliver some items for our customer. Sometimes I voluntarily deliver when no one is available to do it. I learned every supply or item that we delivered it always have a receipt. I know how to go in different places riding jeeps and other transportation. B. Affective or Emotional Learning I learned how to love my job and all the staffs. I learned to a ppreciate the work given to me. I was so dedicated that I do all my best to give correct service but sometimes there were errors. I also experience that the manager get a little bit mad at us when we are absent.For the staffs, they were so kind and friendly and I never experience â€Å"out-of-place†there. They treated us like a family. I remembered what the manager said to us, â€Å"If we are in work, we work. If we are on outside, we’re friends. †  I always put that in mind and I became closer to my manager, supervisors and staffs. C. Psychomotor or Physical Learning I noticed a lot of improvement on me. I became flexible. I also noticed that I became faster in moving. III. RECOMMENDATIONS a. For myself – I must recommend to me that I must omit my tardiness because coming early is really important in the job.I must be ready for all the work that they will give to me because I accept being an on the job applicant from their company. b. For OJ T Company – I recommend that they place OJT students nearer on the branch where they live, in order to avoid hassle in travelling. Also in scheduling of time. They must give students earlier schedules in order to go home early especially for those who travel from far places. c. For OJT Program I recommend that they must put OJT programs at the earlier years in order to expose students at an early time and to learn the concepts and hands-on training in our industry.They should treat each on the job applicant equally. IV. AREAS TO IMPROVE A. About Self I think I must improve my time management. Sometimes I came late especially on Friday because I must report in school B. For the OJT Company I think they must improve the scheduling of time of their OJT students in order to go home early especially for those who travel from far places. C. For the OJT Program I think they must improve the OJT program because I felt that we were late on having OJT. We have co-OJT stu dents in other schools and they were only 2nd year and yet they were having an OJT.Benefits gained Problems encountered We are an On the Job Training in a company that focuses on printers so these are the problems that I encountered during our time there. A. Paper Jam If a Kyocera printer has been properly maintained, most paper jam problems are directly related to the paper that is being used. Although this is never the answer anyone wants to hear, it is the most overlooked component and the simplest to remedy. If persistent jamming is the problem, the first test would be to remove all of the paper in the printer and replace it with paper from a new ream, or of a different manufacturer.Check the label on the new package of paper to verify the paper meets Kyocera's specifications. Grain structure is very important. Short grain paper will cause frequent jams. Always use long grain paper. Most paper is manufactured to have a top side and a bottom side. This has something to do with grain structure and the natural curl of paper. Try flipping the supply of paper over. This will test the â€Å"curl†in case the paper was put into the printer upside-down. If all of these methods do not alleviate the problem, the problem is probably mechanical.Refer to the remaining questions on paper jamming. First check the paper and shuffle it properly. Second if the paper is stock inside the printer. Easily open the printer tray and remove the specific paper that is jammed. B. Blurred Letters Check if there still a toner, remove the drum and shake it and you will know if it’s empty or not. Check also at the report from the printer and print the status page. C. Poor print quality Check the drum if it’s dirty or there’s something in there. If the drum is dirty clean it. Check also the printers’ charger; if it’s dirty clean it. D.There’s a line on the text Check first the drum of the printer; it its dirty clean it. Check the Fuser Kit if it does have a scratch or have a defect you must change it. E. Empty Toner The toner is empty. The toner needs to be change. F. Invalid Cartridge The programmed chipset is done. G. Routine Maintenance The Charger in the printer needs to be change. The benefits that I gained from our company. We gained so many benefits as an on the job training in Link Network Solutions Inc. We know how to setup and troubleshoot a high-end printer. A. Company brochure and/or pamphlet
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Current Demand For Energy - 1237 Words
ntroduction Europe experienced two energy crises during the 1970s, which led to escalating demand for energy resources (specifically, oil) that could not be adequately supplied (Bonny, 1987; Donatos Mergos, 1989). This led to a decrease in economic activity that reflected as a decrease in the demand for energy in the form of oil. Alternative energy sources needed to be considered in order to maintain the economic activities of society without further depleting the natural resources. Besides these crises in the 1970s, Greece had shown a remarkable ability to adapt to energy crises experienced in the 5th Century BC (Donatos Mergos, 1989; Botkin Keller, 2012). The current demand for energy is akin to the â€Å"perception of crisis that preceded the 1973/74 oil price shock as rapid economic growth in the 1960s challenged energy industry’s ability to expand capacity†(Lynch, 2002). Following the downturn in the global economy, the demand for energy is anticipated to increase in the coming years as the world strives towards a better economic position. This potential increase in demand will place increased pressure on existing sources of energy supply. â€Å"South Africa has a high projected future demand for electricity†(Banks Schà ¤ffler, 2006). As such, there is a revised focus on renewable energy to meet part of this projected demand. Besides the projected increase in demand, renewable energy sources should be considered to reduce reliance on fossil fuels to produce electricity.Show MoreRelatedThe Current Demand For Energy1238 Words  | 5 Pages1. Introduction Europe experienced two energy crises during the 1970s, which led to escalating demand for energy resources (specifically, oil) that could not be adequately supplied (Bonny, 1987; Donatos Mergos, 1989). 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